The Blue Ensigns
When American comedian Jerry Seinfeld visited Australia he joked, “I love your flag… Britain at night," probably just as many people squirmed in their seats as they laughed -- there aren't too many true blue Aussies who like being taken as British.
But it's not just Jerry, many people around the world are surprised when they see the Union Jack on an Australian Flag. To them, the Australian Flag is just another version of the British Flag meaning Australia still belongs to Britain.
A quick note about the "Blue". The Australian Flag uses the exact same blue as the British Blue Ensign and Union Jack. However for digital representation, the Australian Government has varied the values to produce a slightly brighter more vibrant blue, as can be seen below. While it has not been possible to pin down exactly why this variation has been made, a suggestion could be the difference in light between the UK and Australia, with the Australian light being much brighter, so that digital images represent the colour of the flying flag more accurately. Read More About the Colours
Quick Quiz
- How many flags based on only the British Blue Ensign are being flown around the world?
- Guess just how many other coloured versions there are in total?
- For a bit of fun, which country has the most variations?
"How many flags based on the British Blue Ensign are being flown around the world?"
The answer is 11.
**The asterisks alongside each name indicates how many official variations of flags each country has.
And those two lists do not include the variations within a country:
Australia has 4 official flags:
- Blue Ensign (National Flag)
- Red Ensign (Civil)
- White Ensign (Naval)
- Royal Australian Air Force Ensign
Fiji has the most variation with an 5 official flags:
- Cyan Ensign (National Flag)
- Red Ensign (Civil)
- Blue Ensign (State)
- White Ensign (Naval)
- Cyan Ensign with Blue and White Cross (Civil Air)
There are dozens of variations of the British Blue Ensign flown outside the British Isles, there could be more. There are dozens more within the British Isles. The British Blue Ensign is a common flag, and variations of it abound.
Haven't seen enough British Ensigns?
This is a gallery of flags based on British ensigns. Let me know in the comments below just how many there are. I gave up at Too Many! It really is time for Australia to have a "one-of-a-kind" flag, not just a derivative.