Photo Submit
Submit a Photo
Please use the form below to submit a photo of your flag, a project, if you see a flag flying or anything else to do with the Southern Cross Flag.
Please make sure all the fields in the form are filled. We need your name and email. We won't publish your email or your full name. Please add another name for the site as that name will be displayed.
Your location can be as specific as you're comfortable with. A suburb, town or city will be fine. No more detail than that.
If you like add a few words about the Project or your thoughts on the Southern Cross Flag where it says "Message."
One image per post, but feel free to submit additional images.
The image will be displayed as landscape at a maximum 1200 pixels wide x 800 pixels high and maximum of 0.5MB. Images smaller than 640 pixels wide may not display very well. If you are sending from your phone, do not send as "Actual Size", as they are usually quite a large file and the site will reject it. "Large" is usually big enough. Size will vary from phone to phone. We may edit or crop an image if necessary.
Thanks for your post!